There were four areas that Fidelity Mechanical Services constructed for this project, including cooling systems, boilers/heating pumps, fan coil units, and DOAS.
The cooling systems were provided by a chilled water system complete with high-efficiency air cooled chillers and variable speed primary chilled water pumping systems. The chillers are equipped with variable speed compressors for increased part load efficiency.
High-efficiency boilers and variable speed heating water pumping systems were provided to serve the heating water terminal unit systems.
Heating and cooling are provided to the core spaces and tenant-occupied spaces by four pipe-chilled and heating water fan coil units. Chilled and heating water is provided by the chillers and heating water plants.
Fidelity Mechanical Services installed three DOAS to meet the buildings’ required ventilation code. In addition, to assist in the LEED objective and increase indoor air quality (IAQ), ventilation air is provided at a rate 30 percent higher than the minimum ventilation code requirements. Each DOAS is provided with variable refrigerant flow (VRF) compressors for increased part load efficiency, as well as an energy recovery system to capture heating and cooling energy from the exhaust systems to be reintroduced into the outdoor air system effectively. This preconditions the outdoor air to each space to conserve energy. Dedicated exhaust systems are provided to serve the core janitor’s closets, the core and shell IT and telephone rooms, and the mechanical/electric rooms.